After teaching myself the basics in ReactJS via the Markdown Project, I decided to try another text-conversion app.  I hoped that the strengths of React could be used to create a very interactive text-to-Morse translator.

Taking some basic ideas to the sketchbook helps me organize ideas about the logo, logic, and user flow.  A few minutes here can save lots of time further on in the project.

Wireframes help to connect logic with the basic layout.  It is important to understand how the app will display differently between devices.  By designing a mobile and web view, I can develop around CSS break points.

This project also introduced me to the git workflow.  It's been a great asset for working remotely as well as creating and capturing small improvements.

Node.js has also been a staple in my development.  Here you can see a webpack server deployment for quick updates and validation.

Here's a quick test to make sure the components are playing nicely together.  Everything looks pretty good here, the translation is happening in real-time, as desired!


Currently, I'm working to improve the layout.  I'd like to create a different style for the titleblock as well.  Feel free to check out the project on GitHub here!