Mackie Freeplay
The Freeplay fills a niche in the PA market - Big, professional sound in a portable form factor. Mobile performers rejoice!
Awarded "Must Stock Item" -- NAMM, 2015
A common sight of mobile or low-key performances is the bulk of electronics that are important for amplified and adjusted sound. By consolidating as much as possible into one box, the user is given increased mobility. This allows for better focus on the performance, not the equipment.
Early and rough sketches to define a form that fit into the current product direction, yet conveyed the technology updates.
Quick renders provide a quality level that can be presented to stakeholders for early feedback.
Made to perform, this portable PA system invokes a design that maintains a "Stealth Tech" language, carried over from previous products. The aggressive port shape and faceted pedestal help to lighten the visual mass that this speaker contains - the larger amount of enclosed air means a deeper bass response. We found a happy medium between size and form.
I also designed a couple accessories for the Freeplay. This "kickstand" tilts the angle of the PA back, which provides better direction for a street performer. I was able to reduce the number of tooled parts by adding a second function to this accessory - it also serves as a pole mount!