Designing for a brand like Ampeg is a real treat - the history and recognition of this brand in the music world is incredible. Fans are quick to inspect and provide feedback. Overall, what I wanted to provide was a solid pedal with few frills - something that would outlast the band, and be tough enough to take a few dents and dings along the way.
Early prototypes explored the history of Ampeg design. Ultimately, I incorporated elements from a classic Ampeg product to convey the history of the brand.
Early prototypes were used to test the angle of the pedal, as well as knob placement and design. Packaging concepts were also considered from an early stage in order to provide a cohesive experience.
Solidworks models helped to explore size constraints and design.
The knobs were designed to be low-profile, but readable to a user from a distance of standing height. These new knobs are similar to older "retro" knobs that can be seen on Ampeg gear from the 70's.